Oh mother of Jesus, it's bloody cold in Belfast! And grey. And the sun is not right. In short: i'm not happy.
I'm wearing all my clothes in the same time and i'm still cold! I know, i'm being ungrateful, it's actually a beautiful Irish spring outside and considering that it's the very beginning of April, the weather is wonderful. It's sunny, it doesn't rain and i'm actually very lucky. I know all that, but my body screams: i need a real WARMING sun and could someone fix me a mojito, please?
One day i found a very nice Chinese buffet restaurant and i went there with a definite plan to eat twice my body weight and not worry about expenses on food for the next couple of days. My plan of course failed and my hunger returned the following day, but at least i got to eat something else than burgers and french fries. The most surprising part about that Chinese place was that i hadn't even realized how much i'd been missing simple good jasmine tea. Mexico has it's wonders, but good tea definitely isn't one of them.
I quite recommend the buffet though: China China, 1 University Street. 5,99 GBP, 12am-5pm, every day.
What i love about being back in Europe is that there's no excessive attention. Nobody is gawking or trying to sell me anything. It's relaxing that i can window-shop without the shop-keeper running out and offering me a "special good price" or walking after me for 20m with "special discounts just for you, my friend!".
It might be due the cold, crippling prices or post-Mexico emotions, but i just don't feel content. Before coming to Ireland/UK, i was looking forward to seeing pubs with hand-painted signs, rows of houses with colorful doors, red-headed people etc. And there really are sickeningly many hand-painted stylized signs everywhere, blocks and blocks of houses that look identical and which's only attempt to distinguish themselves is having multicolored bright doors; and the people: i must admit i've never met more uninviting people in my life than the ones in Belfast. I'm sorry if that offends somebody, but this blog is about personal opinions and not about petting anybody's national pride.
Remember when i wrote about fart-mimicking Irish youngsters in the RyanAir plane? Well, those weren't an exception, more as a rule. The local youth is a mix of skank and rebel-culture accompanied with foul-language and border-line awful dressing. I know it's all subjective and they don't represent the whole population of Belfast, but they are not exactly small subgroup either. A big part of adults are also walking around in punk haircuts and displaying certain attitude. I guess i'm not in position to really understand them, because my childhood was quite peaceful and not a battleground for itchy extremists using religion as an excuse to violence and hatred.
But whatever were Belfast's faults, they were greatly redeemed when i walked in the first shop and saw a huge Cadbury Caramel chocolate bar for 1,99 GPB.
Ah, a person needs so little for happiness.
The tour around Belfast
There were couple of places in Northern Ireland that i wanted to visit and due to lack of personal car i was forced to book a tour. First thing i hear when i step into the bus is Estonian language. Turns out that mother & daughter sitting behind me were Estonians. They looked a bit dull so i decided i won't venture into making pointless chit-chat. Instead i was being sneaky and listening in what they were talking about, muahaha! One of them was translating to the other what the guide was talking and then the "white whale" became in translation a "white shark" i almost blew my cover giggling.
The tour-bus was full of specially itchy Chinese. They seemed to have like a collective photographic diarrhea, because they were photographing absolutely everything. It reached it's peak when a bumble bee got stuck in the bus. That poor bee was photographed with and without flash under every conceivable angle, accompanied by nervous hyper pitch giggle of Chinese teenage girls.
We visited Giant's Causeway, Carrick-A-Rede Bridge, the city of Derry and some other stuff on the way. The tour was generally ok; if you like guided tours, you will probably like this one.
Paddywagon Tours, http://www.paddywagontours.com/, 18 GBP.
The views from walking to the bridge:
Giant's Causeway
The courtesy of wikipedia.org:
The Giant's Causeway is an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, the result of an ancient volcanic eruption. It is located on the northeast coast of Ireland. The tops of the columns form stepping stones that lead from the cliff foot and disappear under the sea. Most of the columns are hexagonal, although there are also some with four, five, seven and eight sides. The tallest are about 12 metres (36 ft) high, and the solidified lava in the cliffs is 28 metres thick in places.
Don't be mislead, the place was absolutely crawling with tourists, i just really really wanted to get a tourist free shot, so i exercised some patience (you see, i don't believe in Photoshoping photos afterwards)
Dunluce Castle
Details of the city of Derry, known as Londonderry to Ulster's loyalist community
The whole time i was in Belfast the weather was just super: though cold it was still brightly sunny and dry. But when i got on my Dublin bus, it started raining and and i mean raining. The bus was more swimming towards Dublin than actually drove. About 2,5 hours later i arrived in Dublin, which turned out to be quite a different city than Belfast.
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